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จำหน่าย - ติดตั้ง - เช่า - ซ่อม - สอบเทียบ - Service Contract   Gas Detector, CEMS, Calibration Gas, System Components

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เครื่องวัดคุณภาพอากาศที่ปล่องและบรรยากาศ----------------- CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring / DAS

   ABB Gas Cooler SCC-C  


    ABB Sample Gas Cooler SCC-C

   The SCC-C compressor type gas cooler is used to lower the dew point of humid sample gas to avoid condensation in the analyzers. An extremely stable and low gas dew point avoids water vapor cross-sensitivity and volumetric errors.
   ABB Integrated Sample Gas Cooler
   ABB Compressor sample gas cooler
   Constant outlet dew point
   1 or 2 gas paths
   Heat exchanger made from glass, PVDF or stainless steel, exchangeable without tools
   Corrosion-resistant gas lines
   High pressure design up to 1 MPa (10 bar)
   Temperature controller and display
   Suitable for ambient temperatures up to 50 °C
   Compact surface-mounting housing (width 1/2 19 inches, 6 height units)
   System solutions in connection with the SCC-F sample gas feed unit
   Suitable for use in measuring equipment conforming with 17th BImSchV (German Federal Immission Protection Law)
   Explosion-proof versions with ATEX and CSA certifications

 Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector Crowcon gas detector
GM GM GM GM GM honeywell honeywell Oldham Oldham Oldham Oldham Detronic Detronic Detronic Detronic Detronic Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos
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